Living your own truth

Finding what is unique in you

We often get so caught up in the lives of others and how they impact our lives that we sometimes forget who we are. Or fail to tend to the ground beneath our own two feet.

To return to your authentic self, you must cultivate all that is unique in you.

One of my favourite books is Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. It bills itself as a breakdown of myths and stories of the wild woman archetype. But, what it really is is a map of how to get back to yourself and what you should be doing to live as your wild self. And she doesn’t mean ‘wild’ in the sense of crazy and carefree, but as in ‘untainted by conditions around you’.

Doing this takes time. It takes some building. It takes an openness to allow yourself to discover what works and what doesn’t. It takes surrounding yourself with nurturing people who believe you are a growing, evolving creature and will treat you as such.

The more you take the time to create and cultivate what is deeply in you, the more you can thrive authentically and confidently around anyone, because you are living your own truth. Furthermore, the more you do so, the more you will attract like-minded people.

But living your own truth means finding it first. Sometimes your intuition guides you to specific things that don’t make sense. But follow it, whatever it is: documentary films about a specific topic you find interesting; a particular person, famous or not, who helps illuminate some of your goals; spiritual work that enables you to keep more in tune with yourself and your surroundings, or to achieve something artistic or creative.

The more you offer yourself up to the open valley of what’s next, the more the universe will start throwing things in your direction.

And the more grounded you are in your authentic self, the more you will be able to have a fulfilling life and deepen relationships with others around you.

While seeking out your authentic self, though, do not be afraid to let go of things that no longer serve who you are. That is sometimes part of what you need to learn and will help you continue to step into complete alignment with yourself.

So, start by focusing on and nurturing your own independent life, running with… well… whoever and whatever.

Nishant R

Nishant R is constantly in pursuit of enhancing his spiritual journey and spreading 'Light and Love'. 


Spiritual strength